What We Do
Management of Training Services
Agro-input handling, crop production and post-harvest handling, Agricultural Value Chain Development, Training on Animal Tractions handling, Training on Seed Technology
Consultancy and Advisory Services
Entrepreneurship, Business Plans, Farming as a Business, Market Information Services
Farm planning and Designing
Agro-input handling, crop production and post-harvest handling, Agricultural Value Chain Development, Training on Animal Tractions handling, Training on Seed Technology
Quality Farming Inputs
Certified Seeds, Farm tools, Equipments, Machinery, etc.
Agricultural Implements
Ox-plough, Ox-Carts, Walking Tractors, Water pumps, sprinklers, Green house, Beehives and other Honey Handling Equipment’s
Data Collection and Analysis for research and surveys.
Agro-input handling, crop production and post-harvest handling, Agricultural Value Chain Development, Training on Animal Tractions handling, Training on Seed Technology
Veterinary Drugs and Livestock
- Supply of Veterinay drugs and equipement
- Supply of Livestock both local and improved breeds (Goats, Bulls, Cows, Rabbits)
- Supply of livestock feeds
- After sales services, training of client related to veterinary Services
- Farming planning to establish liveststock farm
Apiary (Bee keeping)
- Supply of bee keeping equipement (bee hives, bee suits, gumboots, smokers, honey extraction machine, Knife, Refractometer, Buckets etc)
- Training of bee keeping practices and honey processing
- Supply of both local and improved breeds of chicken and ducks
- Supply poultry vacines and equipements
- Supply of poultry feeds
- Training on on modern poultry management practices